How I raised my testosterone in less than 5 weeks…(ABC News even interviewed me…)

"Matt here. I'm 57 years old, I smoke, eat pizza and drink beer…and yet my doctor is freaking out at how my testosterone results are those of a 20 year old man. I'm not a bit surprised because I'm doing what I call my "dangerous experiment"

My dangerous experiment is totally contrary to what doctors tell you… And it's working.

I told my doctor: "I feel and perform like I did 20 years ago…"

In this video I will show you what I did that caused my testosterone to skyrocket, and how I got my blood pressure and blood sugar to be like they were at age 20 without pills…

…I'll tell you how I got off six medications, how as soon as I did literally that week my health started coming back, and how I went from a waist size 38 to size 34 without ever counting calories or eating any less.

This dangerous experiment put me on the map – ABC interviewed me and I've dedicated my life to health research ever since, helping over 120,000 men around the world with their health problems…

…and promoting safe, natural solutions instead of toxic Big Pharma drugs.

Before I reveal exactly what this "dangerous experiment" is, let me explain why I needed to do it.

I always had a strong sex drive and loved sex.

But something weird was happening.

I had no interest in sex.

I would go weeks at a time without having sex with my wife and honestly didn't really notice the infrequency of sex until she brought it up.

The first time it happened I thought it was from drinking the night before.

Second time, well I thought it must be from working long hours.

The third time I couldn't perform – I got worried.

When I got to the point where I was laying on top of my wife, unable to cram my limp noodle inside her, that was when I started freaking out and I realized maybe there was something more.

I saw my physician in September who did blood work. I was borderline low in testosterone (295, reference range 245 to 1005, I think).

As soon as I got home from that visit…

…I Googled what low testosterone does to man's body and here's what I found:

Negative Impact of Testosterone Deficiency and 5a-Reductase Inhibitors Therapy on Metabolic and Sexual Function in Men.

Traish AM.

Testosterone deficiency in the aging male

J.Abram McBride, Culley C, Carson. ||| , and Robert M. Coward

Clinical diagnosis

The majority of clinical symptoms associated with hypogonadism in aging men can be categorized as sexual or nonsexual. Sexual symptoms include libido, decreased frequency of sexual thoughts, decreased frequency or rigidity of nocturnal erections, and ED [ Morelli et al. 2007; Corona et al. 2014 ]. Nonsexual symptoms include fatigue, decreased energy, poor concentration, decreased sense of well being, depressed mood, decreased vitality, and depression [Bhasin et al. 2010; Buvat et al. 2010]. Additional signs often associated with symptomatic hypogonadism include obesity, decreased muscle mass and strength, decreased bone-mineral density (BMD) and osteroporosis, hot flashes, and mild anemia [Dohle et al. 2012] Physical examination is usually nonspecific but can reveal testicular atrophy or asymmetry, varicoceles, penile plaques or other abnormalities, decreased pubic hair, gynecomastia, visceral obesity, and diminished prostate volume, although some men with TD maintain enlarged prostate [Corona et al. 2009 ]. Many of these signs and symptomsare nonspecific. Sexual symptoms, particularly decreased libido, have been shown to strongly correlate with serum testosterone levels [Travison et al. 2006; Corona et al. 2009 ]. Overall , the use of symptom questionnaires for screening or diagnosis is not encouraged due to poor specificity (30-40%), however the quantitative Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male and the Aging Male's Symptoms questionnaires demonstrate higher sensitivities at 97% and 83%, respectively, and are utilized in some centers of excellence [Morley et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2009; Mohamed et al. 2010 ]. In addition, the ANDROTEST-structured interview is a useful clinicl adjunet for screening in men with sexual dysfunction [Corona et al. 2006 ].

Oh my God. This is EXACTLY what I'm feeling.

And my bedroom drawers are filled with half empty bottles and pills rolling around.

And I've found other men are also taking these pills that are killing their testosterone and their performance:

For example, Matthew Solan, the Executive Editor at Harvard Men's Health Watch dropped this bombshell about blood pressure drugs:

"Several drugs can produce erectile difficulties, but blood pressure drugs are near the top…. ED was reported by almost one-third of the participants in the study."

And Dr. Armon B. Neel Jr., a geriatric pharmacist who has counseled older patients and their caregivers on the safe, effective use of medications for more than 40 years says:

"Three types of blood-pressure medications — …have been found to have the highest incidence of sexual side effects."

And diabetes drugs have the same reputation for killing men's performance…

Numerous men are expressing horrible side-effects online, and a man from the UK writes that after taking Januvia for only 3 weeks he is now suffering erectile dysfunction…

The same goes for cholesterol drugs — the statins:

In one recent study, men taking statins had significantly lower total and free testosterone levels, and use of statins was significantly associated with a reduced testicular volume and low testosterone.

The more pills a man takes, the sicker he gets. That's what happens to virtually all guys today, and that's what was happening to me…all my ED, a lot of it was from these pills…so…

At this point something happens that totally freaks me out…

I still can't believe it today. You see I had this good friend Randy…he's my age, and he works out like crazy. He juices, he's into raw veggies, he's a total health nut.

I hear the news when I'm driving and I have to pull over.

Poor Randy has died. His heart stopped.

And at that moment I'm thinking, maybe all the supposedly health things Randy was doing — maybe they aren't so healthy.

Maybe the medications I'm taking are gonna kill me too.

If Randy's veggies and juices aren't healthy, and if my medications aren't healthy, what is???

It seems like going "natural" is wrong, prescriptions are also wrong…

…so what is right?

I literally canceled my next doctor's appointment to find that out. And I did something you should never do.

I threw my pill bottles into the trash.

I got a piece of paper and wrote a single word on it:


If a man's testosterone is high, he's healthy. If it's low, he's unhealthy. And you can tell by the quality of your erections, you don't even need a lab test.

So that's all that mattered to me.

I knew had two options:

#1: Raise my testosterone naturally, or

#2: Raise my testosterone by taking supplemental injections or patches of testosterone.

After tons of research and interviewing experts, here's what I found out about taking supplemental testosterone.

Many men don't do well with testosterone delivered in injections or gels.

Because you see, once a man gets testosterone injected or from any other "outside" source – his body understands that there's no need to make any more natural testosterone.

So the body gets filled with toxic, fake testosterone.

Now something else happens to that testosterone. Part of it gets absorbed…

…but the other part gets turned into estrogen – the feminine hormone that grows breasts and damages a man's libido further.

So now, the man's body stops producing its own testosterone naturally and it turns a big part of the fake testosterone into estrogen.

The man needs more and more fake testosterone, but that means more estrogen and soon it all becomes a downward spiral for the man's libido and performance.

So now, knowing all this…

…The only thing left is to figure out how I can naturally raise my testosterone.

So I get on the phone with professors at University of California in Los Angeles, University of California at Davis, at Berkeley, and the University of Maryland, where Johns Hopkins is near.

And I talk and ask questions and investigate. And a picture starts to form.

The professor say: "Remember N.M.T."

"Natural Supplements, Mouth, Testosterone.

No matter what happens, this will always work for raising testosterone naturally, that's all you need to know."

At that moment I have this epiphany…

What if I only use natural supplements and foods to raise my testosterone?

I began the experiment.

I ate a little differently, changed a few things around the house, and then waited to see what would happen.

I used simple combo of kitchen ingredients you probably have in your kitchen right now.

Also, I became aware that certain bathroom practices were lowering my testosterone. It has to do with laundry and the chemicals you use to clean your clothes!

I avoided those bathroom practices and my estrogen started to drop, raising my testosterone.

I even found and started testing an inexpensive supplement that blocks estrogen more effectively than the drug company chemicals…without the side effects.

This simple natural supplement costs pennies a day…and scientists are struck by the fact that it has the same effects of expensive Big Pharma medications, but it's all natural!

More than that, this cheap supplement has been shown in research to STOP the body from converting testosterone into estrogen.

I found that it's as effective in blocking estrogen in many cases but the drug companies don't earn a dime when you use it, and doctors don't know about it.

A few weeks into my dangerous experiment I find that my weight went from 210 to 170.

All by itself, never a diet, or a calorie counted.

And I didn't do any challenging workouts either. I walk a lot, and I like to jump on the trampoline but other than that no real exercise.

I was thinking to myself – "I'm losing my belly because my dangerous T experiment has rewound my testosterone levels back to when I was a young man."

Everything was going according to plan, until…

…the next night when I was sure I would perform…

…but I ended up just trying to cram my noodle inside her until she shot up from the bed.

…she went a few feet and collapsed with her back against the wall, she was sobbing.

And I'm sitting on the bed, my head in my hands, I'm looking at my shriveled up penis, thinking "this is it, it's not working, she's leaving me".

I didn't know what to do with myself, I slowly pulled myself up from the wet, sad bedsheets and went to her…

I said "I'm working on something, I need you to hang on for one more week. That's all I need. I will give you the world if you wait just one more week."

She looked up, and I gave her a long, heartfelt hug to calm her down. Then she agreed and made it very clear that she cannot continue like this for much longer.

The next 5 days were the longest days in my life…

…and on the 5th day I felt something stirring down there.

I ran up the stairs and told her "it's happening, quick!"

We jumped into bed, tearing our clothes off and having the best sex in years. After all that, she was laying on her stomach, in complete bliss for what seemed to be half an hour!

I was giddy!

My sex drive shot through the roof.

I began getting longer lasting more powerful erections that I hadn't had in years.

Morning erections returned every morning. And I felt more and more like a man.

What did I do differently?

I adjusted the supplements I was taking, added some more here and removed some there…

…I perfected the formula.

Now, you already know that the medical establishment wants you to believe that your bedroom performance is supposed to decline if you're a man.

We're all supposed to pop their expensive ED pills as soon as we hit 40 or 50.

The drug companies advertising and sales schemes work!

They bombard us with this message: "it's okay, it's natural to have low sex drive, ED and problems with sex as you get over 40, or over 50, or over 60."

Well, not for me. After my dangerous experiment, my sex life is better than it ever was any time in my whole life.

My ED Totally Went Away.

My wife is thrilled that I get hard, stay hard, and don't go soft… She loves that I can last a lot longer now…

And frankly, I'm nothing special in the sex department…

Now as my doctor has verified, my asthma, prostate and weight problems — they all disappeared on their own.

Even my blood pressure and blood sugars went to great levels automatically.

I got such great results I began sharing this with other men…(starting with my doctor.)

This is when I decided to share my experiment online.

I met online with a select group of men. Many had prostate problems. Most were overweight, some obese.

Many said they couldn't get good erections.

Or would go soft.

I delivered an intensive video training over four sessions of what I did.

I showed them how to rewind their testosterone to what it was when they were young men.

How to get fantastic erections. How to eat as much as they want. How to avoid dangerous chemicals in their food.

I showed them the truth about supplements.

How over-the-counter inexpensive vitamins and minerals can result in revolutionary changes.

Changes that last a lifetime.

Changes that fix the metabolic problems.

A friend suggested, "why don't you record those sessions? They are life changing" and fortunately I did.

I am planning on offering these for $497.

But I decided to do something completely off the charts.

I'm not asking you to pay tens of thousands, or even a thousand dollars, or even $497.

Although your health is worth countless thousands.

I called my video course the Testosterone Rewind…

Men who watched these videos are reporting striking gains in their testosterone levels and their health like never before…

"I have no problem getting hard now and can have sex any time my partner wants to.

I'm 55 About To Turn 56.

I had lost the ability to get an erection with a woman.

This was very embarrassing and did not realize it until I tried to have sex after my divorce.

I used to take a pill, which was very expensive and worked ab little bit. I haven't had to take a pill for almost 3 months now. I can perform again like I could 20 years ago."


Now at this point, you have a choice to make. You can take one of two paths.

One path is to tune out, forget what you just learned, and go about your day. Chances are your health will continue to get worse…

The other path is to do your own Testosterone Rewind and see for yourself how much it improves your health and your sex life…

But one important warning…

Don't throw away your pills, quite yet…talk to your doctor as your health dramatically improves so you can cut or eliminate medications with medical advice.

Here's what you'll be discovering seconds from now in this all-digital course:

Nothing is shipped so there is no waiting…

You will begin watching the first video seconds from now, on your PC, tablet or cellphone.

And for men who want to listen in the car, I'm including instant download audios of the entire course…

You can drive and listen, or listen when you're out on a walk…

One of the things a lot of guys have asked me for is a way to surge their sex drive, something that can work "tonight."

Well, I found it. If you're looking to build your drive and improve your health, almost instantly, you'll love this secret unannounced bonus…

The first 100 men who order right now are guaranteed a copy of this exclusive bonus with a $37 value…

The Sex Drive Amplifier will get you launched instantly…as soon as tonight…

You'll download the Sex Drive Amplifier and be reading in seconds from now…if you are in the group of 100 men guaranteed to get it…

And in addition to that, a lot of men wanted something they could read on their phone or tablet or desktop…

Or even print out…

I put together a $37 ebook that summarizes key findings in the video course…

I call this my Testosterone Rewind Underground Notes…

They already told me they'll be selling this for $37 by itself…frankly that's a terrific value…

But the next 100 men who click on the "Add To Cart" button and begin this journey are guaranteed to get my Underground Notes, entirely free.

The publishing company I work in, Calworth Glenford, have told me they are planning on offering this entire course…including the bonuses…at $497…

But you will get the four hours of video and you get the two bonus ebooks…

…but they are only guaranteeing them to the next 100 men.

You will find the videos totally compelling and they will utterly transform your weight, your prostate, your sex life…

They Will Change Your World.

And We're Offering These To You On A Trial Basis.

Over 11,000 Men Can't Be Wrong…

I've lost count of the exact number of men who've taken my training and benefited, but I know it's a lot…

You'll look back a few years from now, perhaps when you're on vacation or holiday at the beach.

You'll see this as a defining moment in your life.

A moment that changed everything. When you reclaimed the health and sex life you had thought were gone forever.

WARNING: I am part of a publishing company, Calworth Glenford, in business since 1996.

They have told me they may be taking this offer down at any moment…so you must act right this instant…

They Have Courses That Men Pay Hundreds Of Dollars For.

So click the button below, have your card ready, and begin watching these life-changing videos instantly.

And if you are not happy for any reason, keep the special bonus and simply email me for a full, courteous refund of every dime you've paid…

That's right: you have my 100% assurance This Will Work For You…

I figure 60 days is long enough to get great results…

Heck, many of my methods can work overnight…

So just to be super sure, I'm giving you my total 100% money back guarantee… so anytime in the next 60 days if this isn't something you are thrilled with and if it isn't helping you…

I'll happily give you a 100% refund of every penny you've paid.

(That's just how confident I am that THIS is the solution for you!)

You can send an email to, or call 877-691-3328, and you will get a complete 100% refund of every dime you paid…

I Can't Be Any More Fair Than That!

All That's Left To Do Is Click On The Button Below…

Go ahead, click the button below and have your card ready.

You'll get instant access to The Testosterone Rewind INSTANTLY, the 113 page Underground Notes, the Sex Drive Amplifier, and 4 hours of video training…

You'll be watching the first video in a matter of seconds…

All That's Left To Do Is Click On The Button Below…

Still with me? That means you have more questions so here are some answers.

You are like many winning men overwhelmed with the sudden improvements in their life…as they notice girls or wives gasping with pleasure in bed.

With the constantly rising testosterone levels, you will feel authoritative, powerful and confident as you swagger around.

Don't stop using Testosterone Rewind though!

You'll love that feeling of rigid erections that will get stronger and better and longer.

You get access INSTANTLY, you can be going through all the juicy secrets of raising testosterone and getting rigid ones down there this very minute.

You watch the videos on your iphone or you Android, or your tablet or PC.

And you can listen anywhere you are and you can sit and enjoy reading the course if you love reading.

That's all there is to it — it's so much better than the old days when you had to wait, then you got some dorky big old videos you had to put into the machine, and rewind when you're done and all that. Remember those days?

You're just a button-push away from amazing erections and incredible, passionate sex.

You are amazing! Congrats for following the simple steps in the program.

As you've seen, for guys who have been flat down there for some time, it can take a little bit of time but YES, it will get better, and better, and better!

As you know, improvements in erections appear immediately after testosterone rises.

And lots of guys report morning wood when they wake up and pressure in their underwear when they see a pretty girl…they start feeling confident sexually again.

And many men report that they have no more problems with getting hard and staying hard after a few weeks.

And the sooner you begin Testosterone Rewind, the sooner you'll be one of Matt's 121,262 men enjoying the sex and virility of a young man.

I'm proud that we're established in 1996, 21 solid years in business proudly serving men worldwide in over 73 countries.

I swore an oath to keep any information I have safe.

And that's why we rely on world class providers who use the same security as

We offer a total full money back guarantee and it's always 100% word of honor with you and we always keep our pledge. Always.

So yeah, you can trust our guarantee totally and completely.

We're family owned, and you are a brother to us. So as a fellow brother, just tell us how we can help you, any time, for any reason.

And 7 days a week, 18 hours a day, you can get help with anything you need from my devoted, friendly and caring customer happiness team.

Email us at or call at 877-691-3328 and tell us "great job brother" or "can you please help me, here's what I need" or "here's my testimony so you can spread the word to other brothers" or anything else,

…and we'll get right to helping you and you'll be completely and totally satisfied.

Tell your buddy this: "You'll love these videos, they're amazing. Just click and watch the first one, you will love it. You're hooked. It'll rock your world."

"Listen to it while you're driving home from work. You just sit down, click on the first video and watch. You'll enjoy watching and knowing what to do next."

Most guys binge-watch the entire Testosterone Rewind in one sitting because it's so compelling and the transformation is so sudden.

Imagine, if you would watch a short video, do the simple change and wake up the next morning with a raging boner that raises the sheets like a tent. You would want to watch another video, right?

He can work through them at his own pace and he gets instant access just like you did to ALL the material in Testosterone Rewind.

I hope your question was answered.

Honestly, at this point, you can either sit on the sidelines and miss all the opportunities out there to connect and have glorious sex with an amazing girlfriend, or you can take this opportunity to change everything with T Rewind.

The guarantee speaks for itself so the only thing left is for you to try things out.

All you have to do now, to get started on your new life, is click the button now and get T Rewind on a 60 day trial.

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